Hello dear netizen. My names are Silver and Seraf and this is my website... My track record of working on projects is embarassing so dont expect much from me. I hope youll like the place anyways.


I made a button in case u want to link my website to urs in a niceys manner...
Yes its low effort but im gods strongest idgafer so idgaf (obviously lying)

I'll add some more laterr. Maybe.
More about the site
Well, it started as a place to talk about my interests a little more, and to have a space a little more customizable that what most other places offer nowadays. Now I'm planning to turn it into a hub for my comics and other art projects i might have and whatnot... since most other places are really inconvienent for that kind of stuff -_- so ig were not straying that far off from where we began :p also yes the code despite how simple and primitive the site is is quite scuffed but dont wourry abt it kitten <3333 purrr. and i have no idea wtf is in the winamp mix but its like 40 tracks long so im too scared to touch it idk wtf was 15-16 year old me on umm anyways thats abt it read my stuff pls. also this website used to be full on gabber themed which it still kind of is bceouse gabber still fucks 2k24!!!!!!!!! but it used to be more like yknoww
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