Ball-jointed dolls!
So here it is, my BJD collection! I started collecting them quite recently, in January 2024 (7 months ago as of writing this) and i'm in LOVE. I absolutely adore these dolls, theyre sooo cute and i love their little clothes, faces and EVERYTHING. I only collect the small 1/12 blind box BJD, since the bigger ones are a biiiit out of my budget, but i'd love to have one someday!!!!!Before we begin, here's a warning: you will read the word 'love' a HUNDRED times on this page. Anyway, here are my cutie smootie patootie girlies!!!!
Summer Tea Party - Liroro Summer Island
One of my two first BJD's!!! Incredibly lovely doll, shes so charming!! Her design is so soft and delicate, and her dress is my all-time favorite. I think she's a bunny...? I'm actually not that good at recognising the animals in this series, and i dont think they ever specified it in any official sources ;-; Well, whatever she is, she's an absolute cutie!!!!

Summer Night - Liroro Summer Island
Aaand here's my second first doll!!! I ordered her along with as a confirmed design with Tea Party, (because i didnt want them to be lonely) and i chose her because i fell in love with her cutely smug personality aaand i'm a sucker for sailor outfits :p also her kitty headband is super cute and fits her so well :333 very silly girl

Summer Paradise - Liroro Summer Island
Ohh my god, here she is!! My absolute favorite doll from the Liroro series!!! SHE'S SO DAMN CUTE!!! I ordered her after I got the other 2 and i have NO IDEA WHAT I WAS WAITING FOR!!!!!!!! She is absolutely PERFECT. I'm in love with her dark eyes... they look black from a distance, but up close u can see that they're really dark blue and grey HOW COOL IS THATTT!!!!! And her sky blue her compliment them PERFECTLY. Absolutely going insane over her... i cant really tell her species either, but i like to think of her as a doggy because doggys are nice and i like to imagine her as a little sister to Yuemian!!!
Warm Dreams - Dreamlike Tea Party Daydream
My first Penny's Box doll and my first that I've actually gotten from a blindbox, instead of buying a confirmed design! I honestly think her pink-yellow color scheme is super cute, i think she looks like a little peach!! And her fluffy vest just adds to the peachy look :33 I actually wasn't a fan of her design at first, but she stole my heart when i saw her irl... Warm Dreams is a very fitting name, i don't know any other doll that gives off such a warm and cozy vibe like her... Absolutely adorable!!

Field - Dreamlike Tea Party
GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GORGEOUS GIRL!!!!!!!! The moment i saw her, i knew i had to have her. Impossibly stunning girlie, her brown and turquoise palette is so simple yet SO EFFECTIVE. Everything about her just SCREAMS 'yyou want me so bad... you want me so, so, so bad...' so i just had to get her... and searching for her at a reasonable price was a nightmare :// all the listing i found were usually above 40 dollars, but i lucked out and found her for just 30!!! Yay!!! So now she's here with me :33. I really wish Penny's Box released more dolls with darker skin, all their designs are super lovely!!! Very beautiful doll overall
Light Dreams - Dreamlike Tea Party Daydream
Pretty girl... and yep, 3rd centaur! I really didn't expect to love them that much, but here we are! She's an another wonderfully named doll, her delicate color scheme is very desaturated and bright, giving her a very lightweight and delicate impression. The barely noticable light pink accents are an GENIUS move and take her design from nice to stunning. She was a bit of an impulse purchase, but i do think she was worth it!

Yuemian (Moonlight Sleep) - Ten Thousand Escape Plans
I CANNOT FUCKING EXPRESS HOW MUCH I LOVE YUEMIAN. She's HEAVENLY looking, and she's my first non-chibi bjd and to be honest i think i actually prefer them over the chibis... ok back on topic!! I am a HUGE fan of medical aesthetic (kind of for fetish reasons but i also appreciate it in a completely nonsexual way), so her theme and baby blue made have and INSANELY tight grip on me... also she's a dalmatian doggirl which is like SO COOL usually doggirls don't have a specific race so them specifying that she's a dalmatian makes her a little more special. Also I just love the artstyle and designs of this series!!! It's super cool, go check it out if you haven't yet!! I really hope this company will release more dolls... Overall she's my favorite doll right now and I don't see it changing any time soon <33
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